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What cleaning tips do fluorescent lamps have?

1. Wipe with a rag
Fluorescent lamps are easy to attract dust when they are hot. Turn off the power when preparing to clean, and then try to let the indoor air circulate as much as possible. Use a wrung rag dampened with a little detergent to gently wipe the lamp, and then use a clean dry cloth to wipe the detergent off. .
2. Use electrostatic dust removal
If conditions permit, you can use an anti-static duster to remove the dust on the surface of the lamp tube, and then wipe the dirt with a dry rag, not too hard.
3. Regular cleaning
Regularly clean the blower fan blade of the fluorescent lamp, you can take it out and wash it with water, then wipe off the water on it with a dry cloth, and keep the blower fan blade dry and install it back.
4. Wipe with alcohol
When using fluorescent lamps, use a tissue to clean your hands, do not leave traces on the lamp, and you can usually wipe the surface of the lamp with alcohol to keep it clean.